Important FAQs (and answers) for Presidio Riding Club Membership Applicants
The PRC is a wonderful horse boarding opportunity, but not for every horseowner or every horse. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.What is The Presidio Riding Club?
The PRC is located within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, accessible to the general public for passive recreation. The buildings are part of the National Historic Registry. It is also a private horse boarding facility with a Horse Hotel open to the public. The PRC is located in Fort Barry, surrounded by parkland with direct access to hundreds of miles of trails.Who runs the stable?
The Presidio Riding Club, a 501(c)3 non-profit cooperative organization, manages the equine activities at the facility, working closely with the National Park Service (NPS).What does it cost to board a horse at the PRC?
The monthly board is about $450-500, which is subject to change should the Club need to make capital improvements or meet increased hay costs. Members are charged for actual usage of bedding and hay, plus certain fixed costs, so the amount can fluctuate from month to month and horse to horse.What is a PRC membership and how do I get one?
Membership is limited by the NPS to active duty or retired military and their family. Only members may board at the facility. The PRC maintains a waitlist to board – you must be a member to be on the waitlist. Membership dues are $10 per month. The NPS limits boarding to 19 horses, so new boarders are allowed as spaces open up. Each horse at the PRC is privately owned by and fully cared for 24-7 by its owner.What kind of horse facilities does the PRC provide?
The PRC is not a show, full-service or training barn. It provides stalls at night and group turnout in paddocks during the day. There is no private turnout. The PRC does not offer any training. There are two arenas that are of fair quality and often not usable in the winter. Vehicle parking is restricted to day-use only. All of the PRC facility is open to the public.What kind of horse does well at the PRC?
Almost any horse would benefit from being at the PRC, but we find that horses that are well socialized to other horses do best. Horses should also have basic ground manners and be safe for the members to handle.The PRC has many visitors since it is located in a National Park. The horses are often petted and, although it is discouraged, sometimes visitors feed treats to the horses, so horses boarded should be used to people.
The PRC does not allow stallions, pregnant mares, or horses under the age of two in the herd. Horses are introduced into the herd over a period of time using a staged process to reduce possibilities for injuries. There are no specific breed restrictions.
What kind of equestrian experience do I need to keep a horse at the PRC?
The PRC is not for the beginning horseperson. You must be comfortable handling horses, as the co-op members share the horse-keeping duties. You should be able to muck, feed and care for your own horse. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in gaining correct basic riding and horse ownership skills do so at supervised and well-equipped boarding stables. Such stables can provide trainers, lessons, clinics, and full-time supervision, as well as the camaraderie of fellow equestrians. We also encourage prospective first-time horse owners to look into a "sponsorship" arrangement at a stable or barn. This is an excellent way to find out if full-time horsekeeping is worth the time and effort. It is possible that any PRC horse owner may encounter— while alone, or at night, or in bad weather, or under other adverse circumstances—a wide variety of situations demanding appropriate emergency action. Examples include: multiple loose horses, broken fences, serious or life-threatening horse or human injuries, environmental catastrophes, etc. PRC members depend upon each other to identify and respond to such problems efficiently and effectively. Boarders must be confident in their ability to handle such situations. If any of this makes you nervous, please consider other options for boarding your horse.What do I need to know about trail riding in the GGNRA?
The GGNRA trail riding opportunities are varied, spectacular and some of the finest in the world, but we must offer some caveats. The hundreds of miles of trail we have available are quite enjoyable, but are shared with many other users: cyclists, dog-walkers, hikers, joggers and so forth. The trails we ride are not private bridle paths, but include multiple-user thoroughfares, mountain fire roads, narrow single tracks... and the occasional street. If you are not completely comfortable with trail riding that involves steep terrain, sudden surprises, and lots of people, wildlife and bikes, you may not have a good time on our trails.What is expected of boarders at the PRC?
- A PRC boarder makes a significant commitment of time and energy to the
care of their horse and the herd, and to PRC activities, including...
- Horse care: Regular basic grooming, hoof care, supplemental feeding if necessary, and exercise.
- Financial: Monthly board rent kept current, plus any assessments agreed upon by the Board.
- Co-op participation:
- Monthly workday the second Saturday of every month.
- Sunday feeding, turnout and manure pickup as scheduled
- Mucking own stall on Sunday
- Ability to take care of own horse should need arise
- Neighborhood: Be comfortable with having your horse on public lands open to all passive recreation uses. Be an ambassador for PRC in the community...enjoy meeting park visitors and sharing your personal store of horse knowledge. Be a good Park Partner and respect GGNRA rules.